We’re Code Green - a creative collective on a mission to spark progress on the Sustainable Development Goals. We harness the power of innovative tech, gaming and the creative arts to inspire positive change across the globe.
Since launching in late 2021, we’ve activated high-profile partnerships with the likes of the World Economic Forum, World of Women, Christie’s, the United Nations, and The Sandbox. Leading to multi-million dollar disbursements to different justice solutions around the world, the organization of exclusive events during major international global agenda, and the curation of innovative exhibitions all over the world including through our partnership with VINCI airports reaching tens of millions of people.
Our Co-Founder and CEO is Inna Modja - a UNCCD Land Ambassador, U.N. Goodwill Ambassador & Young Global Leader for the World Economic Forum, who has a background as a best-selling musician, film-maker, photographer and entrepreneur. Inna is also one of the leading voices in the Web3 movement - currently co-founder of NFT Factory, and previously as Head of Philanthropy for World of Women.
The Code Green ecosystem is made up of:
Code Green Labs - our purpose-driven consultancy company for creating, advising and innovating, bridging the web3 space and real world
Code Green Foundation - our nonprofit arm empowering justice solutions around the world
Together, we implement a 4 pillar programme:
We create provocative content that inspires positive actions for humanity including NFT Collections, "gamified" experiences and animated short-films films
We launch artistic events, auctions and experiences with the likes of the United Nations, World Economic Forum, Art Basel Miami and Christie’s.
We believe everyone can contribute positively by harnessing the power of Web 3.0, and the Metaverse to help heal the planet. We create educational experiences, including through our podcast ‘The Green Code
We help NFT artists and projects discover how best to ‘give back’ to the planet, connecting them with verified social and climate solutions that make a real difference.